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傳承七世代的優質酒莊 Franz Haas, 7 generations of winemakers

傳承七世代的優質酒莊 Franz Haas, 7 generations of winemakers


Franz Haas 酒莊於1880年成立傳承至今,世代不斷地致力釀造出最優質的葡萄酒,其葡萄園大約有55公頃,分別由地主、承租者跟受託人共同栽種。 Franz Haas 被公認是最偉大的葡萄愛好者跟耕耘者,因為他總是能將最難以栽種的葡萄表現出它最優質的特性,而Pinot Nero就是一個最具代表的例子。

The Franz Haas Winery has endeavored to show the wines it produces always in the best light. It was established in 1880 and has been handed down through the generations up to now to a Franz Haas.
Around 55 vine-planted hectares are worked, subdivided among owners, renters and assignees. Franz Haas has always been recognized as a great enthusiast and cultivator of the most difficult vine, one that is the most sensitive and repays the greatest: the Pinot Nero. 
Weinberg Mazzon Franz Haas winery


由於葡萄生產的品質會因為各種外力因素的變化而不一致,因此Franz Haas 將特選出來的黑皮諾(Pinot Noir)命名為斯威策爾(Schweizer),由於是特選出來,所以在市場上頗為罕見。Franz Haas酒標是由曾和畢卡索等知名畫家共同作畫的藝術家Riccardo Schweizer合作設計的,此為Franz Haas的酒標特色。,Franz Haas所有的酒款酒標都是由Maria Luisa Manna所給予的,以期盼為Franz所上市的酒款博得好彩頭。

Not with standing all the attention, the brainpower, the work, the product isn’t always at the same level as its origins, so the selection of the Pinot Noir, called „Schweizer“, isn’t always put on the market. Another detail that makes Franz Haas stand out is the collaboration with the artist Riccardo Schweizer, who designed the labels. He actually painted together with Picasso, Chagall, Cocteau, Paul Éluard oder Le Corbusier.  All the labels were given to Franz by Maria Luisa Manna, as a good omen when he released his wines.

The first label Franz chose was the fashionable Pinot Nero Schweizer label, whose first year was ’87, but released in ’90.
Twenty-one years ago, much more traditional, simple labels were used, then the black and gold label came out, and as simple as it was, it certainly had an impact. But apart from the quality of the wine, people began to appreciate this type of label a lot, and even today, twenty years on, they stand out and are remembered on wine shop shelves and restaurant tables.

Weingut Franz Haas Feier-WEB-0093-0787 Weingut Franz Haas Feier-WEB-0686-0787

Franz Haas 的葡萄園主要集中在Egna, Montagna 跟 Aldino等城市,從海拔240公尺到1,150公尺,因此氣候變化跟土壤種類也都因地勢的不同而有顯著地變化 。其中土壤品種包含了斑岩砂土,綿密的黏土,以及高含鈣量的土壤等等。 而在2000年期間,由於氣候變化因素,海拔850公尺以上的葡萄藤在適宜的氣溫跟陽光普照之下,葡萄本身所蘊含了充足的香氣跟酸度,讓葡萄酒具有絕佳的窖藏潛力。也因此最後一個Pinot Noir葡萄園種植於海拔1150公尺處。

The vineyards are all concentrated in the municipalities of Egna, Montagna and Aldino. 
They start at an altitude of 240 meters and today they reach 1.150 meters above sea level, with an enormous variability of microclimates and soils, from porphyritic sand to fine clay to soil with a high calcium content. 
During 2000, because of the progressing climate change, several hectares were rented, at altitudes up to 850m above sea level. Ten years on, the decision to plant vines at these heights has been optimal for production of long-lasting wines, fragrant and decidedly acidic owing to the good temperature range and four our of sunlight a day. 
The last vineyard, Pinot Noir, was even planted at an altitude of 1.150 meters above sea level.

high-altitude vineyards

Vigneti in altitudine innevati


Written by TASTE

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